Network Site Specific Group (NSSG)
Personal Information Site
General Haematology
Clinical Management
Anaemia Management in Adult Oncology
Antifungal Therapy Guidelines (H.94)
BM aspirate/trephine guidelines (H.2.9)
BM Biopsy Complications and Management (H.2.9.1)
Referral to the BM Biopsy Service (H.2.9.2)
Churchill ICU referral (H.35)
Safe Conscious sedation Guidelines (H.38)
Corticosteroids (H.23)
Guidelines for Management of Hypomagnesaemia in Adult Clincal Haematology (H.95)
Haemorrhagic Cystitis (H-117)
Joint Apheresis, Dialysis Patients & Line Management (S.5.2)
OUH intrathecal chemotherapy protocol
OUH IVC filter use guidance (H.80)
Neutropenic Sepsis Microguide (In Sepsis folder - click + to open)
TVCA anti-emetic guidelines
Tocilizumab for CRS (H.126)
Tumour Lysis Syndrome in Adults (H.8)
Protective environment (B.6.0)
Vaccination - Generic letter to GPs (V2 in Word)
Advice to Primary Care
B12 Pathway for CCG
B12 Pathway for CCG Guidance
OUH Departmental Documents
Adult HaemOnc Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU)
Approved ACU SACT regimens (AC-7)
ACU Follow-up Care for Patients post CAR-T (AC-5)
Ambulatory Care SOP (AC-1)
Ambulatory Care Proforma (AC-2) WITHDRAWN. PLEASE USE EPR TO REFER!]
BMT Ambulatory Care - a care pathway until day 60+ (B.61)
CADD Guidelines (AC-3)
CADD pump troubleshooting guide for out-of-hours (AC-6)
Going Home with a CADD Pump (OMI 50860P)
Ambulatory Care Flat SOP (AC-4)
Randolph Court Flat Letter to Patients Template (H.104)
RSV Positive Patients for Ambulatory Care (B.7.1)
Referring Transplant Patients for Conditioning in the Ambulatory Care Unit (B.60)
Referring Related Donors for GCSF Injections in the Ambulatory Care Unit (B.60a)
Ambulatory Care Unit Patient Information Sheet (PI.75)
IV Pentamidine (N.73)
Ambulatory care and local hospital day unit management post discharge (CAR.8.01)
Youtube Videos
Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) - Overview
Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) - Having treatment at Home
Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) - Staying in onsite accommodation
Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) - Using the CADD pump at home
Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) - Additional Support Services
Haematology Day Treatment Unit
Azacitidine (N.84)
Bone Marrow Biopsy - Procedure Safety Checklist (H.102)
BorDex35 (N.107)
CyBorDex (VCD) Nursing Care Plan (N.110)
Cyclopriming (N.32)
Gazyvaro (Obinutuzumab) GA101
Guidelines for Management of Hypomagnesaemia in Adult Clincal Haematology (H.95)
IV Pentamidine (N.73)
Joint Apheresis, Dialysis Patients & Line Management (S5.2)
Nurse Led Pre-chemotherapy Assessment by DTU/Brodey Nurse Staff (H.97)
OUH intrathecal chemotherapy protocol
Plexifor Protocol Nursing Care Plan (N.113)
SC Cytarabine Patient, Carer Instruction & Competence (PI.73)
Venesection Nursing Guidelines (N.93)
What to expect at the DTU on day of line insertion (PI.72)
Patient Information
Ambulatory care (OMI 5277P )
Drugs commonly used for Haematolology patients (PI.32)
Welcome to the Haematology Department (PI.1)
Haematology SpR and SHO Information
Guide for Leukaemia SpRs (H.60b)
Guide for Lymphoma SpRs (H.60a)
Haematology SpR weekend cover policy (H.79a)
Haematology SpR weekend workload record (H.79b)
Leave Notification Form (HH v2.4)
Medical training and education (B.9.1)
Registrar handover guidelines (H.41)
F2, CMT Handover Guidelines (H.41a)
Junior Doctor Orientation (H.39)
Quickguide ARIA, EPR prescribing and admin Haem Ward (H.96a)
OncHaem Resident SpR SOP
Leave Notification Form (HH v2.4 in Word)
Competency: Auto and Allo Conditioning Regime (H.29i)
Competency: Blood product administration (H.29k)
Competency: Care of central venous devices (H.29n)
Competency: Cell infusion (H.29c)
Competency: DLI (H.29e)
Competency: GvHD (H.29d)
Competency: Immune Supression Allogenic BMT (H.29b)
Competency: Management of Auto BMT (H.29h)
Competency: Safe Conscious sedation (Entonox) (H.29j)
Competency: Safe Conscious sedation (Midazolam) (H.29f)
Competency: BMB & Safe sedation medical (H.84)
Competency: Venesection (H.29m)
Directorate Competency Booklet (including medications)
RN Competency Booklet: Clinical Haematology Ward Learning & Competency Pathway for Nurses
Department Documents
Clinical Haematology Ward Operational Policy (H.69)
Coding guidance
Document management (H.25)
Incident and Commendations (B.1.10)
Patient consent guidelines (B.19a)
Person specification policy (B.9.2)
Major internal incident & continuity plan (H.36)
Vaccination - Guidance for clinicians
Vaccination - Guidance for clinicians - flowchart
Triage Service Operational Policy v5.0 (July 2016)
BMT, Lymphoma & Myeloid letter to Dentist (H.83a)
Myeloma letter to Dentist (H.83b)
Vaccination - Generic letter to GPs (V2 in Word)
Certificate of Attendance (N.103)
New Document template (H.98)
Clinical Governance
(Both documents in Word format)
Mortality & Morbidity formal review template (H.74)
Mortality & Morbidity Screening Tool (H.66)