Network site specific group (NSSG) - Haematology
Professional information site
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Autograft discharge to referring hosp (B.21)
MM.55 Belantamab Mafodotin
MM.1 Bendamustine, Thalidomide and Dexamethasone (BTD)
MM.2 Bendamustine, Bortezomib and Dexamethasone (BVD)
MM.3 Bone Protection in Myeloma
MM.4 Bortezomib (Velcade) 21 day
MM.5 Bortezomib (Velcade) 35 day
MM.6 Bortezomib (Velcade), Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone (VRD)
MM.7 Bortezomib (Velcade), Thalidomide and Dexamethasone (VTD) 21 day cycle
MM.8 Bortezomib (Velcade), Thalidomide and Dexamethasone (VTD) 28 day cycle
MM.39 Carfilzomib & Dexamethasone
MM.53 Carfilzomib with Pomalidomide & Dexamethasone
MM.34 CarLenDex
MM.9 CTD - attenuated
MM.10 CTD - full dose
MM.11 CyBorDex Amyloidosis protocol
MM.12 Cyclophosphamide / Bortezomib (Velcade) / Dexamethasone (CyBorDex)
MM.13 Cyclophosphamide (oral) +/- Prednisolone
MM.28 Cyclophosphamide / Carfilzomib / Dexamethasone (CyCarDex)
MM.32 Daratumumab Monotherapy
MM.58 Daratumumab with Bortezomib, Cyclophosphamide and Dexamethasone (D-VCD)
MM.56 Daratumumab with Bortezomib, Thalidomide and Dexamethasone
MM.51 Daratumumab with Pomalidomide and Dexamethasone
MM.38 Daratumumab with Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone
MM.47 Daratumumab with Velcade and Dexamethasone
MM.48 Daratumumab Rapid Rate Infusion
MM.14 Dexamethasone - high dose
MM.65 Elranatamab
Filgrastim - biosimilar (B.36)
MM.16 Intermediate dose Melphalan with Dexamethasone
MM.52 Isatuximab with Pomalidomide and Dexamethasone
MM.33 Ixazomib with Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone
MM.17 Lenalidomide, Cyclophosphamide and weekly Dexamethasone
MM.59 Lenalidomide Maintenance
MM.18 Lenalidomide with Dexamethasone
MM.19 Melphalan, Bortezomib (Velcade), Prednisolone (MelBorPred)
MM.20 Melphalan +/- Prednisolone
MM.21 Melphalan, Prednisolone and Thalidomide (MPT)
MM.31 Panobinostat/Bortezomib (Velcade)/Dexamethosone (PanBorDex)
MM.22 Pomalidomide and low dose Dexamethasone (IMNOVID)
MM.49 Pomalidomide Bortezomib and Dexamethasone (PVD) 21 day Cycle
MM.63 Selinexor, Bortezomib, Dexamethasone (SVd)
MM.64 Selinexor with Dexamethasone (Sd)
MM.26 Siltuximab IV (Sylvant ®)
MM.62 Teclistamab
MM.23 Thalidomide +/- Dexamethasone
Archived protocols:
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protocols please click
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Guidelines & policy
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AL Amyloidosis Investigational Guidelines (MM.45)
Castleman Disease Investigational Guidelines (MM.46)
Imaging in Plasma-cell dyscrasias (MM.35)
Patient/carer administration of SC bortezomib (MM.54)
Bortezomib Home Self-Administration Summary Slides (MM.54a)
Myeloma Algorithm (MM.29)
Myeloma Autologous BMT Pathway (B.41)
Myeloma and Plasma-cell Dyscraisia Care Patient Pathway (MM.43)
Paraprotein and Excess Free Light-chain GP Referral Guidelines (MM.60)
Plasmacytoma algorithm (MM.36)
Plasmacytoma: Investigational Guidelines (MM.44)
Thal, Len and Pomalidomide pregnancy prevention
MM.37 - Myeloma Trial Guide
Care plans
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Cyclopriming (N.32)
High-dose Melphalan auto / Ambulatory (N.16a)
High-dose methotrexate (N.24)
IV Pentamidine (N.73)
Joint Apheresis, Dialysis Patients & Line Management (S5.2)
Methotrexate (high dose) (N.24)
Nursing assessment (N.81)
Oral mucositis (N.26)
Oral mucositis - admission assessment (N.26a)
Pamidronate (N.50)
Plexifor Protocol Nursing Care Plan (N.113)
Regeneration (N.57)
Supportive care
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Antifungal therapy guidelines (H.94)
Bortezomib Associated Blepharitis (MM.61)
Filgrastim - biosimilar (B.36)
Guidelines for the Management of Hypomagnesaemia in Adults (H.95)
OUH IVC filter use guidance (H.80)
Neutropenic Sepsis Microguide (In Sepsis folder - click + to open)
Supportive care guidelines - myeloma
Tocilizumab for CRS (H.126)
Tumour Lysis Syndrome in Adults (H.8)
Churchill ICU referrals (H.35)
URTI (B.7.0)
Patient information
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After your bone marrow biopsy (OMI 103611)
Having a bone marrow test (OMI 91022)
Blepharitis (OMI 75660)
BTD chemotherapy (PI.65)
CTD chemotherapy (PI.58)
MPT chemotherapy (PI.60)
MPT 28 day chart (PI.60a)
Spinal Cord Compression -
How to recognise signs (OMI 3304 - Leaflet 1)
Spinal Cord Compression -
Your treatment and care (OMI 3305 - Leaflet 2)
Welcome to the Haematology Dept (PI.1)
Clinical Nurse Specialist and Key Worker Booklet
Myeloma MDT referral:
Proforma (H.77)
Instructions (H.77a)
MDT Referral ACE27 Comorbidity Scoresheet (OPTIONAL)
Example letter to Dentist (H.83b)
Adult Haematology Long-term Follow-up Guideline Endocrine Sequelae (H.99)
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